Solarspan span tables. MetecnoSpan® conforms to NCC and insurer requirements with a roofing solution that is. Solarspan span tables

 MetecnoSpan® conforms to NCC and insurer requirements with a roofing solution that isSolarspan span tables <samp> Bondor ® has over 50 years of experience in the insulated panel industry and are part of the Metecno Group which is one of the largest innovators of insulated products in the world</samp>

1 & AS 4040. The maximum recommended support spacings are based on testing in accordance with AS1562. SolarSpan ® has a sleek modern trapezoidal rib 34mm high with wide pans, guaranteeing high water carrying capacity and great for low pitched roofs above 2 degrees. 4. SolarSpan® creates wide open spaces with a ceiling-like finish due to its long unsupported spans. Light,. MetecnoSpan® conforms to NCC and insurer requirements with a roofing solution that is. Refer to Span Table Notes for design guidelines relating to fixing, and deflection limits. 6 3. Extended span tables including cyclonic regions C&D, multi-span, wind pressure actingBondor® insulated roofing systems made from COLORBOND® steel have revolutionised the commercial and residential roofing industry over the last 30 years, by removing a large number of individual layers seen in traditional roofing i. 1-1992, AS4040. Extended Span Tables for Residential Applications and Patio System Engineering are also available. 6mm steel sk ins 10 Penetrations: In order to maintain compliance with structure, the following document must be referred to which has been certified by a licensed Professional Engineer; Drawing2. e. SolarSpan® insulated roofing is faster to install than conventional roofing, eliminates the need for additional structural supports and extra layers as required in traditional roofing. ausdeck v-line brochure. BACK TO PRODUCTS. 1 & AS 4040. Bondor ® offer two different insulated roof product profiles that are selected based on a criteria of application, roof pitch, water carrying needs and aesthetics. SolarSpan® features a COLORBOND® steel exterior, an expanded polystyrene core with fire-retardant (EPS-FR) for insulation in all seasons and a pre-painted COLORBOND® steel underside, SolarSpan® is the. Bondor® provide technical advice. Two Roof Profiles. To view the limit state wind pressure capacity tables Download LYSAGHT SPANDEK® Design and Installation Guide; Table data are based on supports of 1mm BMT. 5 4. Patio Design & Install GuideLeaders in Thermal & Architectural Building SolutionsTrue BeautyCOLORBOND Steel Roof & CeilingInsulation Superior Thermal PerformanceRoof pan turned down - gutter end 100mm SolarSpan roof panelSolarSpan Patio Design & Install guide PAGE 2 Packing for ShipmentSolarSpan. SPAN TABLE NOTES: 1. SolarSpan & InsulRoof Patio Design & Install. 0 3. 0 Aluminium Posts = 3000. 1 Quick Selection Tables 11 3. 2 4. ausdeck colour chart. Extended span tables including cyclonic regions C&D are also available. SolarSpan ® roof, unique ceiling profiles, designer roofing accessories in COLORBOND and a selection of stylish posts and beams available in prepainted steel, aluminium or stained timber. Maximum uniformly distributed ultimate wind load (kPa) for the given span: Single Span, wind pressure acting outwards Span (mm) Panel Thickness (mm) 50 75 100 125 150 175 2002. 8 2. These tables are provided to allow designers to<br. 2-1992. 7 3. 2 Key Plan for Flat Structures 12 3. Perfect for use in patio, carport and addition projects and available with a range of connector brackets offering simple design and installation. Refer to Span Tables for detailed design guidelines and Span Tables for both Non-Cyclonic Regions A & B and Cyclonic Regions C and D. This allows home owners to further customise their designStep 1: Select the Roof style that suits your application, from the tables below: Style 1 - Open 3 sides Walls 1 side only Fully Enclosed Walls 2 side only Walls 3 side only Style 4 - Fully Enclosed Style 5 - Fully Enclosed Style 2 - Open 2 sides Style 3 - Open 1 side Notes: 1. 1170, AS 1562. Extended span tables including cyclonic regions C&D, multi-span, wind pressure acting inwards and 0. Span Table NON-CYCLONIC REGION A&B (ROOF APPLICATIONS ONLY) SL Grade EPS-FR Core / 0. v-line patio manual. SolarSpan's Patio Engineering Tool allows builders, designers and installers specify product roof spans, beam types, post spacings and footing requirements. 42mm hi-tensile/0. upstand bracket. where SolarSpan® may be used, which may be outside the scope of our Codemark certificate. The insulated panels span further, require less structural support and offer superior thermal performance in a single composite product. 3 and 2. Large spans. MetecnoSpan® PIR insulated roof panels deliver a Section J conforming roof and insulation system with the highest thermal performance using a fire-retardant PIR core laminated to Australian-made BlueScope® COLORBOND® steel manufactured to AS1397. 3 Connection Details 13 3. Refer Bondor®. Product SolarSpan® Insulated Roof Panel Product Description SolarSpan® is a long-spanning commercial and residential insulated roof panel system that combines roofing, EPS-. Span Tables Applications and Patio System Engineering are also available. 4 2. SPAN TABLE NOTES: 1. Metroll supply Bondor ® Solarspan ® and Insulroof ® insulated roof panel systems which have revolutionised residential roofing by removing the multiple layers seen in traditional roofing. 14g tek screws (x4 off) or mushroom head bolts (x2 off) minimum per fixing point are required. 6 Aluminium Posts = 2400 Max Wall Height for 60 x 60 x 2. It’s easy to install SolarSpan ® and start benefitting from an amazing outdoor patio - all year round. Bondor’s insulated roof panels span further, require less structural steel. The panel. Span tables have been developed by Bligh Tanner Consulting Engineers by interpretation of physical testing conducted & reported by BRANZ. LYSAGHT FIRMLOK® Beams are perfect for use as roofing members, combined with the LYSAGHT® range of roof sheeting, in patio, carport and other home improvement applications. WIND REGION A Single Span (loaded inwards) Maximum uniformly distributed load (kPa) for the given span: Span (m): 1. 5 Quick Selection Tables: Purlins - Table 1 16 Headbeams Supporting Sheeting - Tables 2A, 2B, 2C 17 Rafters - Tables 3A, 3B, 3C & 3D 20 Headbeams Supporting Rafters -1170, AS 1562. 9. Deflection limit of span/150 applies, and in accordance with Serviceability Limit State criteria per AS1170 – TABLE C1. Refer to Span Table Notes for design guidelines relating to ixing, and delection limits. 6mm steel skins 10 Penetrations In order to maintain compliance with structure, the following document must be referred to which has been certified by a licensed Professional Engineer; DrawingSOLARSPAN® SPAN TABLES – ROOF SPAN TABLE FOR HOUSING APPLICATION EPS -FR Core Grade SL 0. Span Table. 3 3. 1-1992 and AS4040. 0 Flat Structures 11 3. 8 mm thick C450L0 material produced by<br /> OneSteel and are headed Non-Standard thickness. 4 Table Index 15 3. Data specific to CodeMark certification can be found on SolarSpan®’s CoC CM40145. 5mm interior skin are also available. Max Wall Height for 50 x 50 x 1. Extended Span Tables for. solarspan brochure. We can. insulroof® Residential Roofing Span Tables insulroof® InsulRoof® With a cover of 1000mm and the ability to order sheets to any given length (max. The next generation in Australian residential roofing has been realised with InsulRoof®, the steel insulated roofing panel featuring contoured COLORBOND® roof lines and dual layers of high performance. 42mm Hi-tensile External / 0. solarspan engineering. In over 65 years, we have manufactured in excess of 100 million square metres. SolarSpan ® & InsulRoof ® are Australia’s leading insulated roof panels ideal for insulated patios, insulated pergolas, verandas, decks, carports, garages and homes. 1 2. . 6mm Internal Steel Skins. Available in three depth sizes – 100mm, 150mm and 200mm. 5 1. 4 Roof Cladding Span Tables 8 PART B 3. ausdeck v-line prices. Bondor ® has over 50 years of experience in the insulated panel industry and are part of the Metecno Group which is one of the largest innovators of insulated products in the world. 8 5. Extended Span Tables for Residential Applications and Patio System Engineering are also available. 1. 9 4. FIRMLOK® beams can also be. 42mm hi-tensile/0. Span Tables Overview Resources provide a simplified system to determine allowable joist and rafter spans in one- and two-family dwellings, and the companion supplements for. solarspan general information. 12m), the layout and calculation. SOLARSPAN® SPAN TABLES – ROOF SPAN TABLE FOR HOUSING APPLICATION EPS-FR Core Grade SL 0. Bondor ® introduced insulated roofing to the Australian market over 20 years ago offering an innovative insulated roofing product during ‘Expo 88’. 24m), the layout and calculation of quantities are greatly simplified. Refer to Span Tables for detailed design guidelines and Span Tables for both Non-Cyclonic Regions A & B and Cyclonic Regions C and D. Refer to Span Tables for detailed design guidelines and Span Tables for both Non-Cyclonic Regions A & B and Cyclonic Regions C and D. InsulRoof. Bondor® is an Australian manufacturer producing insulated panel across 8 facilities around Australia. 3. Solarspan ® is an insulated panel system providing a pre-painted steel underside complete with a tongue and groove roll formed edge, bonded to an insulating polystyrene core and a Trimclad profiled roof sheet on the. mesh, bulk insulation and foil. SolarSpan ® Simple Installation Install the posts and beams. Data specific to CodeMark certification can be found on SolarSpan®’s CoC CM40145. A side wall is classed as closed in if 70% of the cross sectional. True Beauty - SolarSpan. Design capacity tables have been included for the 2. SolarSpan ®. Call 1800 763 707 Testausdeck beam span table. SolarSpan® With a cover of 1000mm and the ability to order sheets to any given length (max. EPS-FR Dimensions. Refer to Span Table Notes for design guidelines relating to fixing, and deflection limits.